better late than never
作詞 seizi |
Just a little more...
Give me the courage to take another step
Just a little more...
May I cry here?
No matter how many times you count
There is much one that is sadder than joy
Even if at a loss so much
I want to find a place to stay
寂しさや切なさを まぎらわすように笑って
立ち尽くした孤独な夜 迎えた空っぽの朝
褪せた空一人眺め ため息をつくんじゃなくて
当たらずとも砕け散るなら better late than never
No matter how many times you count
There is much one that is sadder than joy
Even if at a loss so much
I want to find a place to stay
喜びや幸せは 束の間に過ぎ去って
虚しさに煽られた夜 訪れた真っさらな朝
怯えた表情の裏に 射した光明は優しくて
何もしなくてもくたばるなら better late than never